Sunday, August 20, 2006

My Life's Song/Video

Everybody has one song that sums up their lives or accurately expresses how they are feeling at any one given time. Below here is mine. I will discuss the symbolisim after you see the video.

I saw the animated version of this song and I really did not like it. I like this version because you see Amy Lee having nightmares in her bed and standing on the precipice and falling and then being caught.

The precipice and falling I think symbolize living in constant fear. This is a awful feeling. The word FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. I have had nighmares that I was falling. They were so scary that I lost many a nights sleep because of them. It is not my intention to freak anybody out. I write this merely to share some of my life experiences (some pleasant some not so pleasant).

This song defines my life up to this point. It is time for me to make some changes, stop living in FEAR and bring myself to life.


JLee said...

I love this song! I am learning it right now to sing with my friend's band. I love the lyrics and I think a lot of people can relate to them for different reasons. So many people live a half life because they have a lot of fear (I have been guilty of this myself)I hope you can work through that fear and find happiness! xo

JLee said...

hell no! I have no idea...I know BG, Renah and Lo think you are a sweetheart and BG even came to visit you!

Marie said...

Jen-Sorry, I guess this little prick is starting to get to me. I should have known better than to listen to a stupid little troll. Please forgive me.

JLee said...

no worries :)