Sunday, June 07, 2009

The Writing Is Back!!

Someone In The Crowd

Saw him sitting there in the crowd

For a moment remembered the things he has done; like a thief stole youth’s dreams, innocence and possibility with one touch, the anger, rage and pain, how through the journey the spirit cleans up the mess he made

The moment over, turn and walk away, remember what has been done to live and thrive
In a new life he has no place, no longer a face or a name, now just someone in the crowd


Dr. Deb said...

Cool. Nothing like getting back to writing, I say.

Marie said...

Dr. Deb-Yes it is very cool! I hope you liked the poem.

JLee said...

I love it. Keep up your writing, Marie!

Marie said...

J Lee-Thanks I have written 2 new poems sine then. I am feeling an influx of creativity.