Tuesday, November 21, 2006


On Saturday, I had the opportunity to attend this year's National Survivors of Suicide Day with Lynette. I was very honored that she asked me to attend. The conference was held at the Central Christian Church in Henderson, NV.
Lynette and I were there to honor (like everyone else) a loved one we lost to suicide. Below is a picture of Brittany. What a beautiful young lady she was!

We had a light breakfast of fruit and cake. After breakfast we had opening remarks about what we as survivors can do to take care of ourselves during the grieving process and that it is OK to feel how you feel whatever the emotion is. Lynette has said to me many times the only question she has is WHY? We then had a teleconference of other survivors in other states sharing their stories. All of these stories were moving but sad none the less.

After a break (Boy Lynette and I NEEDED a cigarette and a beer at this point!) we all got into groups to share our feelings and talk about whatever we wanted to talk about or not talk at all but listen to others share their stories. Lots of tears were shed! After about 30 minutes of that we went outside to release balloons to honor our loved ones.

When they called Brittany's name all the hairs on my arm stood up and I shed a few tears and secretly asked Bittany to forgive me( for not reaching out to her when I could have) because I have had a hard time forgiving myself.

Lynette and I had time to talk to people about the walk on December 2nd and hand out information. I think we will be seeing some of those people at the walk.

We also had the honor to meet Suicide Activist, ISP President and Author Matthew Dovel. He will be joining us for the walk.

All in all it was a wonderful day. The weather was warm and sunny. Good for us because Lynette and I got locked out of the building and we had to walk all the way around to the front entrance.

After the conference, Lynette and I went and had a couple of beers and played some slots. To relieve some tension. I won $100.00. I was like OMG! I never win anything!

I hope everyone is doing well. Please take care XXXX


Anonymous said...

Hi Marie,

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Candy, Rains friend. I lost my son Jay to suicide in April of 2006. It was the worst day of our lives and we will never be the same again.

I wanted to let you know that your poem, Her Angel is very touching and after reading it with my family, I felt a little better. Thank you.

I wish you a great success with your book of poetry. ~Candy

Marie said...

Candy-Thanks so much for sharing your story with me.

I am so glad you got some comfort from the poem. That was my hope in writing it-to offer comfort to ANY parent who has lost a child to suicide.

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit again.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Winning $100 must have been a great feeling! I never win anything either... still waiting for that moment!

Marie said...

Polar Bear-I was pretty shocked myself!

Dr. Deb said...

What a wonderful post on a most important topic.

I agree with your new blog visitor candy...your words are very healing. And it would be wonderful for your work to be published to help others get comfort and insight from them.

Marie said...

Dr. Deb-Than you so much! I feel better knowing I brought some comfort to someone who is hurting.

Mystical Me said...

WOW, I am so sorry about what happened. Suicide is often not talked about enough, & there are so many people suffering in silence. So I think this is & was an awesome event. I myself have losted loved ones & friends to suicide. I have always felt partly responsible since I wasnt there & I didnt see the signs. But dont ever blame yourself, because truth is you cant help when someone doesnt tell you whats going on within themselves. Trust me I have to tell myself this on a daily basis. I just wish they could tell us signs to look for before its too late. Take care sweetie!! Love, MM XOXO