Saturday, December 09, 2006

I Am Being Stalked!

I have an internet stalker on my hands. He is visiting my blogger sites at least 2 times a day for at least 30 minutes or more. He has also phised my MySpace as well.

He is taking my passwords dowloading pictures from ALL of my sites and displaying them all over the internet. He MUST be stopped! He has posted images from my blogger and MySpace friends as well. The most disturbing is that some of these pics are of minors. I don't know if he is a sexual preadator or what. Again he MUST! be stopped.

I would encourage all my friends on Blogger/MySpace to protect your profiles and pictures if you can. This person whoever they are is one sick mother fucker!

Now a word to my stalker:

I know who you are! I have reported you to the abuse hotline at Cox Communications. If you try to publish ANY of my poetry, I will sue you for copyright infringement once I am informed of your name and address. I do not know why you are doing this or why you chose me. You are a sick individual with too much time on your hands. Get some help..right quick. Ohh One more thing. Fuck off and die!!!


Anonymous said...

wow, that is freaky!!

I hope he is stopped ASAP!

Marie said...

Polar Bear-I hope so too. He is REALLY freaking me out!

Marie said...

Yes-I quite agree. I am really freaked out!

Anonymous said...

And I thought I had no life...least I'm not out engaging in retarded behaviours like this guy. Hope it gets worked out soon.

Marie said...

Sid, I hope so too. Thanks a bunch!

Marie said...

Rain-Yah it does. I hope to have a resoultion very soon. This person is really freaking me out!

Dr. Deb said...

This is really terrible, Marie. I am so sorry this is happening.

Marie said...

Dr Deb-Thanks I think this is very unfortunate as well. I hope to have this resolved very soon!

sansanity said...

Ok that is too weird. how did you find out about his displaying your picts? do you know how he got your passwords?

i stopped by to say THANKS! yes I am in good company. have insurance now at job (which is the reason i stay) and it's good. have a great pdoc and now therapist too. he seems willing to try slightly unconventional med combos to get me back to stable and they are working. you are right that it does feel good to know someone cares enough to figure out what was wrong. and it is great that he was knowledgeable enough to KNOW. it seems i told him the same stuff as others in the past but he got it! I have been doing a lot of reading on the disease and its management even before i found out about the diagnosis. again thanks!

Dawn said...

super scary-i'm really sorry to hear that. let us know how things go?