Thursday, July 16, 2009

Update And A Observation

Okay, now that the unpleasantness is over, it is time to get back to business.

One of my goals for 2009 is to quit smoking. I have tried cold turkey but that doesn't work for me! So I bought the patch and I am happy to report that I have been smoke free since Saturday of last week. Some people when they quit they get really crabby. I am fortunate enough that I have not been agitated or crabby at all. I am sure my roomates are appreciative of that as well. I still have two weeks to go on the patch and then I will see if this is going to work.

Okay onto other business, my poem, Beauty has been selected for publication. I also have entered it in a writing competition. You can view the poem on my FB page. The FB page is on the sidebar.

I have come to the unpleasant realization that a lot of men out there (especially here in Vegas) are very shallow and insecure. I was talking to one of my male roommates (the same one I got mad at last week) and he told me he would be totally turned off by a woman who had deep red stretch marks on her belly. I understand we all have insecurities and we can become shallow at times but come on already! I am thinking what the hell did I ever see in this guy? Major brain fart if you ask me!

What started this was since I have lost a considerable amount or weight I have some loose skin floating around. This guy seems to think that it can all be taken care of by exercise alone. I tend to disagree, some of it will have to be surgically removed. I am sure I am not the only one but I got suckered by the negative body image trap. Please Please I don't want to be a slave anymore, Help Me Help Me!!!


Dr. Deb said...

Finally got to all my emails. I am happy to find you here. Quitting smoking is so hard. I've never been a smoker but have seen how difficult it is personally and professionally with people in my life. I wisj you luck.

Marie said...

It is going to be a challenge!

Bleeding Heart said...

quitting smoking is hard, but you can do it. You've come through barriers before!

Rain said...

Congratulations on being published, I am so happy for you!

You will feel so much better after you quit smoking and your energy will double :)