Thursday, August 13, 2009


Those of you who have read and commented on my last two posts understand what I have been dealing with. Yesterday I had a epiphany about this situation.

It seems I am always quick to blame myself for how others behave. That I somehow asked for this kind of behavior. I went so far as to think I could become abusive myself. Then it hit me-this person is a drug addict! So now I am beginning to think that hey I am not crazy I am just dealing with an addict again!

I am so tired of dealing with addicts! My  abuser and his former girlfriend were alcoholics and used meth. My abuser still drinks quite a bit. I have really got to try and surround myself with a healthier group of people!

I am working so hard to make lasting changes. It seems for every step I take, I take two back!

1 comment:

Polar Bear said...

Good that you realise you are NOT to blame!