Saturday, January 07, 2006

New Car, Beer& Champange

Me Looking Pretty...NOT!!!

As promised here is my New Year post. The day started off great. I finally got a new car. A Red 2005 Dodge Neon. I like the car a lot and it drives great. The pic was taken at Charlie Holder in Henderson where I went to a Keraoke gig my brother was hosting. I had several beers and glasses of champange. I ate dinner first so I did not get drunk (just a buzz) or sick. I met a lot of really cool people and did some dancing; champange toast at midnight and then more beer.

Have been busy with my new office manager job to catch up on blogging. I am responsible for setting up my office and training my staff. Some days I am working 12+ hours a day. There are days that I do not have time to eat. Who the fuck forgets to eat? Oh well. I have not had time to do laundry, clean my house or take down my holiday decorations. I guess this will be a busy tax season indeed. I am hoping tomorrow evening I will be catching up on my blogging.

I would like to say to all my blog friends that I have not forgotten about you guys; and judging from the recent comment from Genelle (Miz E) that you all have not forgotten about me which is nice to know. Well friends it is off to bed for me. I have another training session at the office at 9am. Everybody please take care and I will catch up with you all soon.


Polar Bear said...

SOunds like a cool car! Enjoy it!

mizeeyore said...

woo hoo! now that's a baddaass ride girl! enjoy enjoy enjoy!

glad to know that things are on the upswing for ya. i love the pic. you have a beautiful smile but i know being a Leo, your natural charm and spunkiness plus your zest for life rubs off on whoever you may encounter.

Leo ladies rock! (i'm a Capricorn, but my rising sign is Leo so naturally we rock *smile*)

Shannin said...

that is a great pic! you have become more beautiful since college, you lucky girl!
i totally forgot jim does the karoeke thing! sounds like you had fun!
take care!

Miss Defective said...

Glad you had fun. Love the bright smile on your face, for a moment it brought one to mine.

Being busy at work has its ups and downs. Try to keep some granola bars or something healthy to nibble on in your desk. Remember to get lots of sleep too(gawd, I'm sounding like a mother here). The cleaning and blogging can always wait.
Take care,

Nicole said...

I'm sorry I haven't been by to visit, I usually list thing in my favorites by screenname and I had yours listed by the title of your blog, so I didn't know it was yours. Nevermind! Hope you're well!!!!

mizeeyore said...

Marie, i'm so sorry hon that i lost a chunk of your very sexy you still have it here, because you can republish it...

please dont be angry at me, i am so sorry i swear i am *sad face*

Marie said...

Miz E-Will do! Don't sweat it.