Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Quiz results

I got this quiz from Jen's blog, I tokk it and here are the results

You're Elle Driver! Sly and evil, you can manipulate people in order to get whatever you want. You're usually alone, but that's the way you like it. You hate having others nearby to order you around (unless it's Bill, of course... but even then you're still hesitant


Anonymous said...

Hi Liked reading through you have a nice blog, thanks for sharing . :) .
Wish you well

JLee said...

hey Elle! lol
You're an evil nurse! of course, every character in Kill Bill is pretty much an assassin... :)

Marie said...

Zingtrial-Thanks so much for the compliment and stopping by! Please stop by the poetry blog.

Jen-I always knew I had evil in me! HeHe!

Marie said...

Rachel-Glad to hear from you again! How's it going chica? Check out my poetry blog at As always glad you dropped by!