Monday, September 29, 2008
It Is Finished!!
To Get To You
I am changing to get to you,
I know now it is something I have to do.
Changing to make myself whole,
No longer do I want to live in a fish bowl.
Changing to make you proud of me,
I want to be the person I know I can be.
Each day I climb out of the abyss,
There will be days however that I will miss.
A starving soul who has lost her way,
I believed all the lies what can I say.
In the darkness I have lived for many years,
I ruled my life by childish fears.
I am changing inside and out,
There are times I do live in fear and doubt.
I feel good enough to be the one you need,
So take me by the hand, I will let you lead.
I see you and want to be with you,
I want you so bad I don’t know what to do.
I hope one day our paths will cross
For now I am at a loss; you don’t even know I exist,
You are only a dream in the mist.
Every day my heart and soul grow better and stronger, I am weak no longer.
There will be days I can’t get out of my way,
I’m not perfect hey what can I say.
It is time for YOU and the rest of the world to see me,
In isolation again I will no longer be.
I smile, laugh and love to have fun,
No more do I live life on the run.
My soul is full and burning with passion,
I do not indulge tradition or any other fashion.
To the world I give my gift of the written word,
They will set free the caged bird.
No longer do I ask where do I belong,
For many years I sang that old tired song.
I do sometimes struggle with addictive behaviors,
For the longest time they have been my only saviors.
With faith and confidence in myself I will overcome
I have changed to no longer become undone.
I have changed so I can love you, me and others,
No longer will I run and hide under the covers.
With all my faults, insecurities and mistakes of the past, there is one thing I ask,
Can you see past them and be the love that will last.
With each change I make, I will no longer repeat the same mistake. With each breath I take, each step I make they lead me one step closer to you.
I also finished another poem titled After We Love. I also wrote something last night I would either like to put in poetry format, or I was toying around with the idea of possible lyrics. I will do both and see what works better. I hope you all can take something away from this poem.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Promo For Book/HTC Survivor's Confrence

Title: Breaking The Silence… A Survivor’s Story
Author: Marie Coppla
Publish Date: September 1, 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4357-2125-8
Pages: 50
Synopsis: This is a collection of poems and essays documenting my survival from incest and the beginning of my healing. These poems and essays express my deepest feelings of anger, rage and sadness. They also offer hope and reaffirm that we are never alone.
Order Information:
Author Contact Information
Cell Phone: 702-588-3728
Onto other news. I read and post to a website titled Healing Through Creativity. Every year they have a 9 day conference where survivors from all over the world come and share there stories and their art. This year the conference is in West Virginia from October 10-19. Unfortunately, due to my financial situation I will be unable to attend but I done the next best thing. I have submitted two of my poems from the book; With You and No Longer Your Victim to be displayed at the conference. This is my way to show my support for this cause and to get my story out there. If these poems can offer hope and inspire others then I have succeeded! An important part of healing is a good support network!
The reason: to put this part of my life behind me and look forward to the future! If anyone who has visited my Breaking The Silence blog you will see a very profound quotation: "We were a silent hidden thought in the folds of oblivion, and we have become a voice that causes the heavens to tremble. "
Kahlil Gibran
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A Little Inspired
If I don't take the chance I will never fall
If I don't fall I can never feel
If I don't feel I can never heal
This just popped into my head as I was listening to music and having a beer. While I listen to music sometimes I just pace and these thoughts come into my head. I don't know what it is about. Oh Well!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Fiasco in 2008!
I recieved an e-mail from a writer for whom I have the greatest admiration for. The e-mail was a plea for funds to stop and raise awareness against homophobia.
One of my MySpace friends invited me to join his group Fire the US Government. I would like to share with you all the first post I wrote for this group.
I first want to thank JP for inviting me to join this group! I will tell you all as I told JP how I feel about this upcoming election.
I will NOT vote for Obama because he will gradually over time raise taxes and increase spending to an all time new high!
I will NOT vote for John McCain because those right winged conservatives in Washington will do EVERYTHING in their power to overturn Roe v Wade. If us in the artist community can band together maybe we can accomplish something.
It is my opinion that NO government entity OR "Religious" organization has NO right whatsoever to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body PERIOD!!!!! I am however FOR gay marriages. I think Don Henley said it best; "If you find someone to love in this world you better hang on tooth and nail because the wolf is always at the door." If two people if it be man/woman, woman/woman or man/man find love it is NEVER wrong. Love is hard to find in this world so if you are fortunate enough to find it; it is a beautiful gift!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Play List
Every song on this list has touched my heart and soul in some way. That is why I love writing and music. If something there connects with you in ANY way that connection will NEVER be broken.
Listen and enjoy!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A Little Glich!
I talked with them today to follow up and they said that they will fix the problem. It was a little wierd but I took charge to get the situation resolved. They have assured me that it will be fixed.
I have been working a little more on my short story. It is progressing nicely. The story seems to be coming together . It is a little bit of fantasy mixed with a heavy dose of reality.
I have been working 4 10's this week so I have not had much time to work on it. I am going to work on it some before I go to bed this evening.
Everybody please take care.
Friday, September 12, 2008
A Breath Of Fresh Air!!!
I have met several people at my job who are writers just like myself. Even though our physical selves are doing the 9 to 5 thing to make ends meet, our hearts are not really there. They are with the writing and artistry.
One of my co-workers is an older lady who has written some short stories and taking classes to develop her craft. That is a thing I would like to do in the near future. There is another lady there around my age who has a desire to write children's books. She and I talked about how I did my book and the conversation went from there. Both of these ladies read my book and asked what are my plans for it. I will answer that in a little bit.
I was on a break when I talked with a man who is currently working on a children's book and a horror novel.
I feel that I have made a connection with these people. I can talk with them about my passion for my craft and share my success and ideas for future writing projects. It is so refreshing and comforting to know that there are others out there in the "corporate" world who are in a similar situation that I am in. It is my plan to make this dream a reality.
One of the security guards at "the job" read my book and she told me that I have inspired her to want to make changes and want to deal with some of the things she is going through in her life. Her remarks filled me with such an sense of accomplishment. So you see I have succeded in a small way with this book. I have touched and insipred the life of someone else.
The book is FINALLY on Seeing my name up there filled me with such a sense of adulation that I did not want to come down. My roommate suggested that I buy a copy of the book and send it to Oprah Winfrey. From what I have read about her, she has experienced that kind of trauma in her own life. So I finally said to myself fuck it-go for it what do I have to lose?
My other plan for distribution is to do a mass mailing to some of the independent book stores in the Las Vegas area. I plan to make flyers with the book cover and a synopsis and ordering information. I am not worrying about the cost since I will be able to write it off on my tax return.
So needless to say that I am slowly but surely working on the dream.