Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Little Glich!

As in my last post, I saw the book cover on amazon.com. I do want to thank Matt for pointing out that it was not available (sorry I overeacted) I am human after all. I already knew that it is unavailable when I looked on the site last week and immediately contacted the publisher.

I talked with them today to follow up and they said that they will fix the problem. It was a little wierd but I took charge to get the situation resolved. They have assured me that it will be fixed.

I have been working a little more on my short story. It is progressing nicely. The story seems to be coming together . It is a little bit of fantasy mixed with a heavy dose of reality.

I have been working 4 10's this week so I have not had much time to work on it. I am going to work on it some before I go to bed this evening.

Everybody please take care.


JLee said...

Matt can be a tough one to figure out at times, but he has been nice on my blog, so I hope you guys can be friends! :)
That would be cool if you all could meet up.

Marie said...

Yes I quite agree that he is hard to read. I am glad he does have nice things to say to you.

Bleeding Heart said...

Doesn't it feel good to have such control over your book? To call others and be so business like and in control?

That is the joys of self-publishing. I LOVE it, and Traditional publishing is not that different if people were to compare it.

Good for you for stepping up!