Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What's Going On

Just thought I would give you an update on what's going on. Duke (my cat) has been using the litter box for the last couple of days. I guess some of the harmful toxins are starting to come out of his body. I have been spoon feeding him for the last few days and I guess it is starting to work. I felt a little bad because I thought it was abusive, but my roommate said you are doing this because you love him and it is not considered abuse at all.

My recent temp assignment ended yesterday. I talked with the agency and they are doing their best to find me another assignment for next week. I guess since I have been making some money for them the will work to find me assignments. I just have to have a little faith that things will work out for the best.

I recently joined Facebook to promote the book, and I found a lot of people there that I went to high school with. Isin't this a small world or what? Anyway, I got a call from one of my fellow classmates last night and we talked for about 30 minutes or so. It feels so good to reconnect with old friends again. One of the things I still struggle with in the healing process is social situations. This has gotten better over time though. I am more confident and happy these days and it makes me want to reach out to people again. What a good feeling that is.

I have noticed lately that since I am not working steady, that I have been eating out of boredom, I have to be very careful here not to regress back into old behaviors. I have worked so hard to get this weight off and I will have to work even harder to keep it off. So what to do? Well I can work on my writing and finish up 3 short stories I have been working on and start walking again. I found that the local community center has a gym there and for a membership fee of $80 (for the year) I can have unlimited use of the facility. Since I am still financially strapped it will have to wait a bit.

So there you have it. A glimpse of what is going on in my exciting life. LOL!

1 comment:

~Erin~ said...

I hope Duke gets better. Pets become like children, we need them more than we ever think we would. And congrat again on the book!