Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Have You Ever Felt Like....

Everything in your life is going wrong? Well friends that is how I am feeling right now. I lost my temp job today. No reason was given, I just got a message telling me that I was no longer needed. I have to talk to the recruiter and see if I can get another assignment fast! It looks doubtful since I somehow screwed this one up they won't be willing to send me out any time soon. This sucks! I am major trippin on how I am going to pay my monthly bills.

Some of the people in my world are making me trip as well! The smallest things I do or say seem to piss people off. Everybody is mad at or criticizing me. I really can't take much more of this crap! It seems I am falling into despair and I feel like crying and telling the whole world to kiss my ass. Here is a song to express EXACTLY how I feel. Can anyone guess what this song is? I was blasting it in the car on the way home after I got the message about the job.

everybody's trying to say i'm wrong i just wanna be back where i belong world turning......i gotta get my feet back on the ground world turning.......everybody's got me down maybe i'm wrong, but who's to say what's right? i need somebody to help me thru the night

I don't mean to dump on anyone, I am just trying to vent my frustration with the world and with life in general. I usually don't get this way very often. When I do, it hits like a ton of bricks and my back's up against the wall. I hope everybody else is doing well.


Miss Defective said...

Sorry you lost the temp job. I'd ask the recruiter for feedback on why you were let go. Insist on it because how are you going to improve if they won't tell you what went wrong?

Not sure if there are many where you live, but I hope you're signed up with more than one agency if possible. I was usually signed up with between 5-10 at any given time so I could pick & chose what jobs I wanted to take. Plus if one assignment ended or I was let go, there was usually something available somewhere else pretty fast.

Sending you big cyber hugs. Hang in there.

Marie said...

Sid, thanks. I am registered with 2 other agencies in Las Vegas. I plan on calling them first thing in the morning!

You are right, if I don't get feedback nothing will change.
Take care of you!


Bleeding Heart said...

Hey - keep in mind when one door closes the othe door opens - and sometimes its a better entrance!

I, too would ask why...you have the right to know...and if you have the energy to do it...I would call the local Department of Labor and see about the work ethic witin the area you live.

For example: where I live there is a no fault policy...you can fire someone for no reason and you DON'T have to give an explanation.

So double check on that...in case they try to walk all over you. :)

Bleeding Heart said...

I just read your last post...I edit books and have a website to show you what I do...

Email me. My email is available at my Profile/Blog :)

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Oh no. When I was still in the job market it was the most stressful thing for me as I was constantly having to look for work.

It may seem like everyone is against you or pissing you off but I'm with ya. We need shirts that say, "I'm surrounded by frickin' idiots!!"

I hope you find something soon and you can find some peace. My thoughts are with you.


Marie said...

DW-I will e-mail you with what I am trying to do! Thanks for the tip.

James-Thanks buddy! You are the best. I like your t-shirt idea.

Imaginary Broad said...

I was going to bring up that cliche about nitting rock bottom before bringing yourself back up, but then I remembered my cat's grave is covered in a pile of rocks. The hell with everybody! Vent away! This is your space. Hang in there, kiddo.

Marie said...

Jones-You must have read my comments about your cat. Sorry for your loss! I know I will feel the same when Duke passes.

You are so right this is my space and I can vent if I choose to.

Thanks for stopping by. I holpe you will visit again soon.

Dr. Deb said...


Marie said...

Dr. Deb-Thanks

MB said...

I can easily relate to this post Marie, I hope everything works out for you soon. I agree with Sid though, insist on feedback from the temp job! They owe you that much!

*big hugs*

Rain said...

Hey Marie,

Sorry to hear about your job, honey.

Personally when everyone is mad at or criticizing me (sometimes) I find that it may be time to have my medications adjusted. At the same time, I understand that I can not please everyone all the time and telling them to "kiss my ass" makes me feel a lot better! Most of the time whatever problem they are having with me is in fact "their problem" not mine!

Hang in there and if by chance james gets any of those t shirts made I want two of them!


Marie said...

MB-Thanks for stopping by. Hope you visit again soon.

Rain-Gald to hear from you as always. I do agree that it is their problem to deal with. Unfortunately this unpleasant situation involves people that I love. I need to distance myself from the situation and move on with my life.

Dr. Deb said...

Just checking in again.....

JLee said...

Marie, don't let it get the best of you!! People let temps go for all sorts of reasons...could be anything. I am sure with your skills you can get something else, maybe even something better?
Keep your chin up, girl!

Marie said...

Dr. Deb-Thanks for checking in. I am doing okay on the job front. I found a permanent position and I start on Monday. As for the other stuff it has gone from bad to worse. If you read my post "A Day In The Life" you will see the bad. The worse is "the mistress" is pushing my buttons and has cut me out of my nephew's life without HIM knowing it! What a depressing situation. Please e-mail me some time and I will tell you all the unpleasant details.

JLee-I hope you had a good time on your vacation. I hope you got a tan and drank a lot of beer! I got a new job and I start it on Monday. As for the other crap refer to my comments to Dr Deb. above.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

It's okay to vent your frustrations, that's healthy. Things like these happen to everybody. You just have to hang on and things will be okay sooner or later. Better still, "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith." (Hebrews 12:2a)Smile. God loves you no matter what. God bless.

Marie said...

Mel, thanks for stopping by. I believe that venting and expressing yourself is very healthy indeed. It gets out all of the bad karma. Someone on my poetry blog accused me of blaming others for my unhappiness and being constantly being negative.

Well, I say this-I am just going through a bad patch. This too shall pass! If we let our frustrations fester it damages the soul. That is why I started the blog.

Glad to see I have a new reader. Please come back again.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Oh I will come back, that's for sure. I love your artistic layouts and the way you express your feelings, whether positive or negative. I love everything in your blog. God bless.

waiting2die said...

hey Marie! so sorry that the temp job ended so shitty. but i believe in you and one thing i do know is when one door closes, another one opens, so hang in there ok?

thanks for the comments on the new blog. the other one, well i guess it'll just be lost in cyberspace somewhere. oh well.

take care hon. (((((((((HUGS)))))))