Tuesday, October 04, 2005


     This is first chance I have had to post in a while.  I have been busy with other things.  Let’s face it nobody will read this anyway, but here it goes.  Today I had the wonderful opportunity to go to traffic court.   It was loads of fun and excitement, I am all warm and fuzzy on the inside just thinking about it! Judging from the amount of people waiting in and outside the courthouse I guess the Las Vegas police department has met it’s quota for the month.  I am just so in love with our judicial system!

     For the last couple of months I have been working with my sister-in-law Lynette on a book that contains writings and poetry written by her late daughter Brittany.  Reading and typing these poems and writings has inspired me to rediscover my creative talents and I want to pursue a career as a freelance writer and or a poet.  I is clear to me now (so many years after the fact) that I have made the wrong career choice and I am now living with ramifications of it.  You might ask yourself why it took me years to realize I screwed up.  The answer is simple my friends, DENIAL is a very powerful force in the universe and should not be messed with.  I finally KNOW that accounting is not right for me.  I hate the 9 to 5 rat race.  It really sucks! I hate the office setting and all that goes with it Yuck!

     I am currently looking into some on line writing courses and a career change seminar at UNLV.  The writing courses I found are good.  The only problem is that I am BROKE!  This really bites the wiener!  This coming Saturday, I will be doing a walk for suicide prevention here in Las Vegas.  I have written a couple of entries on this very sensitive subject.  If the spirit moves you, please check them out and even leave a comment if you like.  I cannot improve without all forms of criticism.  You can find out more about the walk on outofthedarkness.org.  I have included a link to the website, check it out if the spirit moves you.  Well campers, that’s it for now, I will hope to post again after the walk on Saturday complete with pictures.

That’s all she wrote.



Mary Alice said...


I just finished one of my papers last night. Thank god that is done! That baby is fin, fished and out of my way. Anyways, I read all your entries. As far as your writing goes I suggest that you continue to refine and further discuss your ideas. You definitely have some interesting thoughts!

You should exercise because you want to look good for yourself. If a guy is only interested in your physical appearance than he is definitely not worth your time. I have always believed that our so-called physical “flaws” make us unique. If a guy really cares about you he should find you appealing because are a good person! Looks fade, people get old, and things sag, ok you get the picture. As far as eating is concerned, I believe it’s all about moderation. Just as long as you are not eating KFC everyday and stick to eating healthy food, you will be right as rain. The secret to staying fit (not bone thin) is the right amount of exercise and proper nutrition.

I think that we are all slightly critical of our physical appearance. Us ladies are not the only ones that are critical of their appearance. Needless to say, men are just as bad as us. Perhaps, we should stop looking at billboards and start focusing on being happy with living a healthy well-balanced life that is void of diet pills.

The term model is definitely an interesting subject. The word model has a slew of various meanings, but the most interesting of these is the notion that a model is someone who is worthy of imitation or the ideal. What the heck is an ideal? Beauty is definitely a subjective term. What one person finds beautiful another may find completely disgusting. My point is there is or at least should not be one standard of beauty.

I want to post comments on your message board because your observations are legitimate and I want you to have something to read. I know that it really sucks when you put effort into something and it is not even appreciated or acknowledged. I’m completely done with posting on Austen’s blog! People don’t get my jokes, no one responds to my questions, and now people are even swearing at each other on there. Ya it completely sucks! I’m going to start posing conversation topics about every two weeks on my blog. Unfortunately, I don’t have as much time as I would like, so I’m just going to write about my life and daily experiences. I promise the entries will get better once I have some more time. Please, come and comment on my blog when you get the chance. As of right now I have two readers.

Mary Alice

You might want to checkout this article. It discusses America’s bulge battle.

Shannin said...

I am soooo upset I didn't get to meet you Saturday! Email me, if you get a chance.
take care!

Mary Alice said...


Some bitch is bashing me on Austen’s blog. I think it is that Warrior lady.

Mary Alice

Marie said...

Mary Alice, left my reply to your comment on your blog. I am now on my way to Austen's to check it out

See ya!