Saturday, December 03, 2005

Please make it stop!

I am so tired I want to break down and cry. It seems I am headed for a nervous breakdown. I am so depressed I don't know what to do. Is it really worth it?

Being unemployed and broke around the holidays is really making me trip. I have bill collectors up my ass all the time. I am trying to make them understand: look I am unemployed when I get back on my feet I will start paying you again so shut up and leave me alone! I guess they really don't give a shit they have to abide by "company policy." Bite me! I guess reality truly sucks.

I will have to go off my medication soon because I have no money to pay full price for my meds. The little money I do have has to go for food, telephone and electric. The money I got from my 401K has to last me a whole month. Ugh! I have to wait three weeks for a telephone interview to determine my eligibility for unemployment. I have the feeling that I will be denied since I was terminated then what am I going to do? I am not making a ounce of sense I know!

I guess the only thing I have to hold onto is writing. I am glad that my poetry is going to be published but it is the here and now that I am trying to cope with.


Shannin said...

you have to be terminated to get unemployment... so, you are good there.... hope you feel better soon...

Marie said...

Thanks everybody. Your support means more than you know!

mizeeyore said...

my heart goes out to you hon...i know how it can be -- i get a once a month check from Social Security Disability and i gotta bend it like Beckam (ok, a lame attempt at humor) each month, because i have rent and bills to pay too.

have you tried to apply for Disability or Medicaid? if you tell them that you just lost your job and are in need of emergency assistance, they should be able to do something for least that's what happened with me, but Medicaid differs in different states and perhaps have different requirements, but it dont hurt to try.

like shannin said, you were terminated from your job, so you should be able to get unemployment. i wish i had known about it sooner when my job terminated me after FMLA had expired, but i was blessed to get on Disability on the first try.

sorry didnt mean to ramble, just some suggestions.

mizeeyore said...

p.s. you can apply for Social Security Disability online..go to

hang in there hon!