Friday, December 16, 2005

The poet laureate...NOT!


It seems that I cannot write lately. I have not written a poem since I have been on medications; this worries me. Has the creative part of my brain taken a nap? I don't know. I was working on a book now I am not sure if it will ever be finished.. It seems I cannot complete a complete thoght. Weird and crazy shit people. I am however going to share with you all apoem I wrote pre-medication called Behind The Smile. The picture I included was taken when I was late in my teens. I hope everybody enjoys the pic and the poem.

Behind the smile is denial
Caused by unspoken trial
Behind the smile pain hidden
Caused by betrayl and quiet driven
Behnind the smile is a mask
Removing it has been the hardest task
Behind the smile no one found out
Her soul now begins to live in doubt
Behind the smile it is fake
Her life is what's at stake
Behind the smile the heart now heals
Forgiveness and love for self it now feels

I hope you have all enjoy it. Soon I will create another blog dedicated to my poetry and my book. Now, this sleeping pill is starting to kick in so goodnight everybody. Take care Posted by Picasa


Handsome B. Wonderful said...

You have a talent with poetry. I like to write some myself. I haven't in awhile but reading yours has inspiredme to put the pen to paper again.


mizeeyore said...

that is a deep poem girl..i love your writing skills. i too, write poetry and like you i havent put pen to paper in a long time. i also used to perform my poetry at spoken word events...ha, that's a distant memory too.

keep it up Marie. you are good. Very good *smile*

somehow i figured you were a are very attractive btw *grins*

Marie said...

James-Thanks I guess I am good for something. Glad I have inspired someone. Writing for me seems to be my only relief.

Genelle-Thanks there are so many talented people out there. I am hoping that someday I will be able to recite one of my poems; if anyone thinks they are good enough. For now, I am happy just to get this stuff out in any way possible. I am going to attach to my profile a picture of me that was taken while I was in college. Stayed tuned.

Marie said...

Thanks! It looks like blogger playdate will be in the windy city Ugh! We will see how much of a bonus I get at the end of tax season.